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Archaeological Resources Management System (ARMS) __ "The S.D. State Historical Society Archaeological Research Center, Department of Education and Cultural Affairs, has developed a version of its Archaeological Resources Management System (ARMS) database package for access from the World Wide Web. A variety of access levels is available to users, depending on need." there is free public access to much of the database. A login is required. - From South Dakota State Historical Society -
Archaeology and Paleontology in South Dakota __ "South Dakota is home to an amazing number of archeological and paleontological sites, with more than 19,000 recorded." Learn about the relationship, if any, between these two sciences in South Dakota and find out where they are digging. - From -
Archaeology Program Saved in South Dakota __ "Earlier this year, South Dakota Governor M. Michael Rounds proposed eliminating the South Dakota State Historical Society's archaeology program, therefore closing the Archaeological Research Center in Rapid City and cutting 17 jobs." Find out what happened. A news story - From -
Archaeology in South Dakota __ A general overview of archaeology and how it applies to South Dakota. Use links on the left side of page to access a lot more information. - From -
Badlands National Park __ Beginning in 1998, the park was subject to a multi-year parkwide archaeology survey to glean more knowledge about its human past. In this article that survey had not started yet but there is still a lot of information. - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in South Dakota __ Index of articles relating to South Dakota archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
dig: South Dakota Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in South Dakota" - From -
Frequently Asked Questions About South Dakota Archaeology __ Here is a set of
answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about archaeology
in South Dakota. "More than 12,000 archaeological sites have been recorded.
These include campsites, buffalo kills, mammoth kills, rockshelters and caves,
tipi rings, burial mounds, earthlodge villages, rock art, homesteads, townsites,
mines, and cemeteries. Keep in mind, too, that archaeologists have only looked
at a very small percentage of the land in South Dakota. A reasonable estimate
for the total site count might be 150,000 to 300,000." - From S.D. State
Historical Society Archaeological Research Center -
History and Exploration through Archaeology in the Black Hills __ "The Black Hills and Badlands of South Dakota are full of history — so much so, that remnants of that history have been unearthed over the years throughout the state. " A general overview of archaeology in the black Hills region. - From -
Mitchell Prehistoric Indian
Village __ Learn about the village, the archaeological work, public
access and the kids dig free. - illustrated - From -
Molstad Village - National Historic Landmarks Program __ Brief overview of this prehistoric village site in South Dakota. - illustrated - From -
MSU - Fort James Archaeological Investigation __ "The 2010 MSU Archaeology Field School is a historical archaeological investigation of Fort James (39HS48) in South Dakota." A brief overview of the fort and its history. - From -
NPS Archeology Program: State Submerged Resources Laws __ Learn about submerged archaeological resource law in South Dakota. - From National Park Service -
Report on the Geophysical Surveys at Ft. James, South Dakota __ Learn what was found and its great archaeological importance. A PDF file - illustrated - From -
SDSHS Archaeological Research Center Home Page __ General overview of
archaeological research in South Dakota. - photos and reports - From South
Dakota Historical Society -
South Dakota Archaeological Society __ "The South Dakota Archaeological Society (SDAS) is comprised of individuals and institutions dedicated to understanding and preserving South Dakota's fascinating prehistoric and historic cultural heritage." Learn about the organization, accomplishments and goals. - From South Dakota Archaeological Society -
South Dakota Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in South Dakota - From -
South Dakota state artifacts put in jeopardy __ "One of many proposed cuts to South Dakota’s state government budget would put the state Archaeological Research Center in Rapid City on the brink of extinction." An editorial however the program was later saved. - From -
South Dakota State Plan for Archaeological Resources. __ Full text of this document. A PDF file - From -
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