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Archaeology & native peoples of Tennessee - UT Knoxville __ "Over three years in the making, this new permanent exhibition, Archaeology and the Native Peoples of Tennessee, opened on 23 September 2000." An overview of the exhibit which has grown even better than in 2000. - illustrated - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in Tennessee __ Index of articles relating to Tennessee archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
Cultural Context, Archaeological Research Design, and Phase I Survey Results for Cherokee Trail Connector/Spring Water Center and Baker Creek Landing, Knoxville South Waterfront Project __ Report detailing archaeological survey for a Knoxville Waterfront project. A PDF file - illustrated - From -
Developer Neglects Site, Blames State __ "The state of Tennessee has slapped a Lexington developer with $235,464 in fines and expenses for ignoring federal and state agencies while allowing a prehistoric site to wash into the Tennessee River." You can read the full story. - From -
dig: Tennessee Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Tennessee" - From -
Division of Archaeology __ A brief overview of the state's Division of
Archaeology. - From state of Tennessee. -
Franklin dig evidence reveals mastodon was butchered by ancient humans __ "State archaeologists say discoveries unearthed in 2010 at a long-studied archaeological site known as Coats-Hines in Cool Springs reveal it to be one of only a few sites that show early man in this area hunted and ate “megafauna,” a term describing very large animals." A brief article - illustrated - From -
Frequently Asked Questions about Tennessee Archaeology __ Just what the title
says it is. - From -
Friends of the Sellars Farm State Archaeological Area __ "One of the best preserved Native American mound/villages is at the southeastern edge of modern Lebanon, Wilson County, Tennessee and is known today as the Sellars Farm State Archaeological Area." A good overview of the site. - illustrated - From Friends of the Sellars Farm State Archaeological Area -
List of archaeological sites in Tennessee __ A county by county listing of Tennessee archaeological sites. - From wikipedia -
NPS Archeology Program: State Submerged Resources Laws __ Learn about Tennessee's marine archaeological heritage and what is being done to protect it. - From National Park Service -
Preliminary Archaeological Investigations at Site 40KN220, Fort Higley, Knoxville, Tennessee __ "Fort Higley was recorded as archaeological site 40KN220 by Sam Smith and Ben Nance during their survey of Civil War sites in Tennessee in 1997 (Smith and Nance 2003). By 2005, the site of Fort Higley was facing destruction as the area was being considered for residential development." Learn about the archaeological research at the fort site. A PDF file - illustrated - From -
Remote Sensing at Shiloh National Military Park __ "Between July 12 and 25, 1999, a team from the Southeast Archeological Center (SEAC) examined several areas at Shiloh National Military Park in western Tennessee and at Corinth, Mississippi. The work documented a wide array of Civil War era military features, New Deal era archaeological excavation trenches, and Mississippian mound construction stages." You will find a full report. - illustrated - From National Park Service -
Shiloh National Military Park - Shiloh Indian Mounds __ "About 800 years ago, a town occupied the high Tennessee River bluff at the eastern edge of the Shiloh plateau. Between two steep ravines, a wooden palisade enclosed seven earthen mounds and dozens of houses." A good overview of the site. - illustrated - From -
Shiloh Threatened - Archaeology Magazine __ "Erosion of the banks of the Tennessee River has rendered Shiloh National Military Park's Dill Branch ravine, considered the most scenic spot in the park, inaccessible by car." Learn how ongoing erosion threatens archaeological sites within the Military Park. - From -
Tennessee Archaeology Draft __ "The Society for Historical Archaeology defines Historical Archaeology as the study of the material remains of past societies that also left behind historical documentary evidence (Society for Historical Archaeology 2007)." Full text of draft. A PDF file - From -
Tennessee Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in Tennessee - From -
Tennessee Archaeology Network __ Provides information on exhibits, digs, volunteer opportunities, societies, laws. - illustrated - From -
Tennessee Archaeology Statutes Tennessee Code Annotated Chapter 15, Title 11, Chapter 6 __ The full text - From -
Tennessee Department of Transportation - Environmental Division __ "The Environmental Division, Archaeology Section operates within the Tennessee Department of Transportation and coordinates with the Tennessee Division of Archaeology and the Tennessee State Historic Preservation Office to complete public transportation improvements with as little damage to archaeological resources as is possible. " Learn about their responsibilities, goals and accomplishments. - From -
Tennessee Division of Archaeology __ An encyclopedic article with links to related materials. - From wikipedia -
TN State Parks: Old Stone Fort State Archaeological Park __ "This State Archaeological Park is dedicated to the preservation, protection, study and interpretation to the public of this significant survival of ancient culture." An overview of the park and research. - illustrated - From -
TN State Parks: Pinson Mounds State Archaeological Park __ "Pinson Mounds, one of two state archaeological parks, is a special park, set aside to protect the prehistoric remains found there." An overview of the park and research. - illustrated - From -
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