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10,000 year old site found in Vermont __ "University of Vermont archaeologists have identified what is unequivocally the first Late Paleoindian site 10,000-9,000 B.P.) in the state-and one of very few known to exist in the eastern United States-near Sunderland Brook in Colchester." A brief report - From -
Ancient Lifeways Along the Winooski River __ "Excavations at the Winooski site yielded prehistoric artifacts manufactured of stone, clay, bone and copper." A good report of this research - illustrated - From Vermont Archaeology Museum -
Archaeological Find Provides Insight Into Northeast 9,000 Years Ago __ "University of Vermont archaeologists have identified what is unequivocally the first Late Paleoindian site (10,000-9,000 B.P.) in the state--and one of very few known to exist in the eastern United States..." A news article. - From -
Archaeology in Vermont __ You will find a series of very interesting click-to-read articles about Vermont archaeology. - From -
Archaeology in Vermont | Vermont Archaeological Society __ "Formed in 1968, The Vermont Archaeological Society (VAS) is a non-profit volunteer organization comprised of professional and avocational archaeologists and the interested public. The Society is committed to raising the awareness of Vermont's past, while at the same time protecting its valuable cultural resources from injury and exploitation." Learn about the organization, goals and accomplishments. - illustrated - From -
Cultural Resource Team - Vermont Agency of Transportation __ "Our Cultural Resource Team is comprised of a Historic Preservation Officer, Historic Preservation Specialist, Archaeology Officer, and Assistant Archaeologist. We are responsible for assessing the extent of potential impacts on historic structures and archaeological sites." Learn what they do, goals and accomplishments. - From -
dig: Vermont Archaeology Events __ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Vermont" - From -
Obsidian in Vermont: Analysis of an Arrowhead in the Gerald Coane Collection __ "Unlike the types of stone commonly found in Vermont, obsidian is very distinctive and easily identified by its glass-like appearance and sharp edges. Is it possible that other pieces of obsidian have been found in the state? We are aware of only one other obsidian artifact purported to have been found in Vermont." General overview - From -
University of Vermont Consulting Archaeology Program __ "The University of Vermont's Consulting Archaeology Program (UVM CAP) engages in activities that help preserve, protect and explain Vermont's cultural heritage. A unit of the Anthropology Department , the program was established in 1978." Brief general overview of what they do. - From -
Vermont Archaeology Week __ "The Green Mountain State's archeological record is an immensely valuable economic and educational trust. Our archeological sites are being destroyed at an alarming, ever-increasing rate. The successful stewardship of Vermont's past for the future demands vigorous preservation efforts now by individuals and organizations from private, business, non-profit, and government sectors." Learn about archaeology week and its importance to Vermont. - From -
Vermont Division For Historic Preservation __ "The Division for Historic
Preservation is the public agency designated to be the advocate for historic and
prehistoric properties in Vermont. The state has a rich heritage of historic
resources, ranging from 10,000-year-old Native American sites to rambling 19th
century farm complexes, to railroad-spawned villages of the 1870s, to gleaming
streamlined diners built to serve auto-borne patrons of the 1930s. Each of these
buildings, structures, and sites is important for what it can tell us about our
history." What else can I say. It is a good website. - illustrated - From
Historic -
Vermont Preservation Plan Profile __ "Vermonters live and work in a landscape described as "world-class," a perfect union of the historical built environment, the state's natural beauty, and a working landscape clearly shaped by past generations. Historic resources are integral elements of this union that distinguish Vermont from other places and ensures its future socioeconomic and cultural well-being. Vermont's historic villages and cities, rural farmsteads and landscapes, and archeological sites create an unparalleled sense of community." Learn more. - From National Park Service -
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