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Archaeology __ Learn about archaeology and the archaeological research conducted by MoDOT. - illustrated - From -
Archaeology of Missouri __ "Mans prescence [sic] along the Fishing River stretches much further than its documented past. In the following pages you will see some evidence of this areas prehistoric occupation for the last 7,000 years. Fishing River divides Clay and Ray counties in northwest Missouri. It was covered with small villages and encampments of the ancient American people." You will find an extensive website about this important region. - illustrated - From -
Archaeology - State Historic Preservation Office __ "Did you know that shipwrecks, unmarked human burials and other archaeological sites all fall under the jurisdiction of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)?" Learn just what the responsibilities and duties of this office are. - From -
Big Eddy Archaeology Site - Rural Missouri Home __ "The site was discovered in 1983 when a group of archaeologists surveying the Sac River valley spotted Indian artifacts washing out of a steep embankment undercut by the river. In 1997 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the Sac River, hired archaeologists from Southwest Missouri State University to excavate the site." A summary of the discoveries. - illustrated - From -
Category:Archaeological sites in Missouri __ Index of articles relating to Missouri archaeology found in Wikipedia. - From wikipedia -
Cave Archaeology - Missouri Caves and Karst Conservancy __ Read about cave archaeology and how it applies to Missouri caves in this brief overview. - From -
dig: Missouri Archaeology Events
__ "dig's guide to special archaeological
programs, events, and exhibits in Missouri"- From -
Graham Cave __ "Graham Cave is a Native American archeological site near Mineola, Missouri in Montgomery County." An encyclopedic article with links to related material. - illustrated - From wikipedia -
Graham Cave State Park __ "University of Missouri archaeologists uncovered
artifacts revealing human use of the cave dating back to as early as 10,000
years ago. Clues to the lifestyle of the ancient Dalton and Archaic period
Native Americans were uncovered." Learn about research and history. -
illustrated - From Missouri State Parks -
Greater St. Louis Archaeological Society __ "The Greater St. Louis Archaeological Society is a not-for-profit organization. It is our endeavor to promote the discovery, the studying, and recording of Missouri Archaeology." Learn about the organization, goals and accomplishments. - From -
Jacobs Cavern __ "The rude type of the implements, the absence of fine pottery, and the peculiarities of the human remains, indicate a trace of occupants more ancient than the mound-builders." An encyclopedic article with links to related material. - from wikipedia -
The Jaguar Gorget __ Learn about Missouri's State Artifact in this detailed account of the discovery and follow-up research. - illustrated - From -
Mastodon State
Historic Site in Imperial, MO __ This site is where archaeologists first
discovered stone weapons with the bones of American mastodons. The first real
evidence of the coexistence of humans and mastodons in eastern North America.
A good overview. - illustrated - From -
Missouri Archaeological Society __ "The Missouri Archaeological Society (MAS) was founded in the 1930s as a nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to educational and charitable purposes. After almost 72 years at the University of Missouri, the MAS relocated to Missouri State University in 2006." Learn about the organization, accomplishments and goals. - illustrated - From -
Missouri Archaeology Camps and Archeology Summer Camps __ List of camps and activities. - From -
Missouri Archaeology Museum Directory __ List of archaeology museums in Missouri - From -
Missouri cave paintings give ancient insight __ "The figures on the walls of the cave in east-central Missouri now provide crucial details of the prehistoric timeline of the region. And there's recent evidence that the paintings in Picture Cave predate the Cahokia Mounds as the birthplace of what archaeologists refer to as the Mississippian period." A news story - From -
Missouri Preservation Plan Profile __ "Missouri will be a state that progresses and prospers while preserving and respecting its unique heritage. Citizens of all ages will appreciate the unique and fragile nature of Missouri's historic places and archaeological resources." Learn more about the plan and its implementation. - From National Park Service -
Notable Finds in Missouri Archaeology __ "Archaeological investigations have been conducted in every one of Missouri’s 114 counties. Prehistoric and historical-period sites have been found all across the state. However, the majority of sites are located near the major rivers and tributaries. In this online exhibit, some of the more notable finds in Missouri archaeology are presented." Nothing more to say. - illustrated - From -
Peterson Archaeological Site __ "One of the most significant archaeological sites in Northwest Missouri is the Peterson Site situated between St. Joseph, MO and the Iowa border." A basic overview for kids. - illustrated - From Professor Michael Fuller -
Public Archaeology - Missouri State Historic Preservation Office - DNR __ "One of the primary goals of the Missouri State Historic Preservation Office is to promote public education and awareness concerning the nature and role of archaeological research in helping preserve Missouri’s unique and valuable cultural heritage." Learn about their goals, accomplishments and more. - From -
Washington State Park Rock Art __ "Rock Art images dating from approximately AD 1000 Preserved by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources" You will find an annotated gallery. - From -
Welcome to the Archaeological Survey of Missouri __ I can't think of anything
better than their own opening paragraph to use as a review. "The Archaeological
Survey of Missouri (ASM) was created in the 1930s by Jesse E. Wrench and J.
Brewton Berry, two professors at the University of Missouri. Wrench and Berry
were motivated by large river basin surveys sponsored by the federal
government.The purpose of the ASM was to document information about
archaeological sites before they were destroyed. The ASM grew as an entity
through the Missouri Archaeological Society (MAS) and retains this association
today. MAS members are encouraged to document the sites that they find. Locating
and recording sites, as well as site preservation, are the primary interests of
the ASM. One of the most important aspects of the ASM's history is that even
though the early surveys were conducted with people employed by the university,
many of the sites, in fact up to 50 percent of the sites in the early years,
were recorded by amateurs." - illustrated - From ASM -
X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Artifact Obsidian from the La Plant I Site, New
Madrid County, Missouri __ "A single obsidian artifact from the La Plant I Site
(23-NM-51), New Madrid County, Missouri
, was submitted for energy dispersive
X-ray fluorescence trace element provenience analysis." A paper. Also a PDF
file, Acrobat reader needed. - From -
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