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Ancient Greek healthcare: as contentious as today? __ "America has just voted through its biggest health-care reform in decades. But what was medical treatment like in ancient Greece?" You will find an answer here. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine __ Detailed description of
Greek medicine including herbs, childbirth, questions and answers and links to
additional resources along with click -to-view pictures of ancient Greek
medicine. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine - Another good introduction to Greek medicine
for the younger student with links to other aspects of Greek culture. - From -
Ancient Greek medicine __ A good overview in a series of click-to-read sections. There may be a confusing pop-up. just close the pop-up page to return to the article. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine __ You will find click-to-read articles, a well annotated timeline and many resources. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine - Beat 'da Bomb game - __ Here is a fun online game for students of ancient Greek medicine. Select a time limit and "defuse" the bomb by getting all the answers right. While using the word "bomb" seems politically incorrect most any place anymore, this really is a fun game. - illustrated - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine Healing - Healing Arts Articles __ A brief general overview. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine - History for Kids! __ Good overview of ancient Greek medicine designed for younger students. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine (an Outline) __ A history of ancient Greek medicine in a form somewhere between an outline and a timeline. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine - Scored Quiz __ A fun quiz about ancient Greek medicine which could also be used in a classroom setting. - From -
Ancient Greek Medicine - Types of Ancient Greek Medicine __ The three were "temple medicine, medicine connected with physical training, and the medicine of the medical schools." Learn something about all of them and find many additional resources. - From -
Ancient Greek surgery is older than we thought __ "Anagnostis
Aggelarakis has a very interesting piece in Archaeology Magazine detailing his
study of a skull from the Greek colony of Abdera. The woman had received a blow
by a missile to the back of the head which fractured her skull, but a type of
surgery that is first described in the Hippocratic corpus, dating from the
5th-4th centuries BC, was able to save her life. The woman was thus able to live
for another twenty years." an interesting article. - From
Category:Ancient Greek physicians __ You will find a
list of notable ancient Greek physicians along with direct links to additional
information about each of them. - From wikipedia -
Doctors and Medicine in Ancient Greece __ Brief introductory overview of ancient Greek medicine. - From -
Evidence of Ancient Greek Brain Surgery __ Very brief article about
'trepanning' in ancient Greece. - From -
Galen __
"Galen (Greek: Γαληνός, Galēnos; Latin: Claudius Galenus; AD 129[1] –ca. 200 or
216) of Pergamum was a prominent ancient Greek physician, whose theories
dominated Western medical science for over a millennium." An encyclopedic
article. - From wikipedia -
Greek Medicine __ "Many foundations of modern Western medicine lie in Classical Greece, from about 800 B.C.E. to about 200 C.E. During this period, Greek medicine departed from the divine and mystical and moved toward observation and logical reasoning." Read the whole story. - From National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health -
Health, Economics and Ancient Greek Medicine __ "Nevertheless, current economic theory can shed light on the market for medical services in classical Greece. Furthermore, I hypothesize that similar factors account for the double-sided nature of the health market in both ancient Greece and the industrialised world, where religious and alternative medicine coexists with secular and scientific approaches." An article from Lund University - From -
Heart research and ancient Greek medicine __ A brief text linking ancient Greek observation with modern heart research. - From -
Hippocrates __ "Hippocrates of Cos II or Hippokrates
of Kos (ca. 460 BC – ca. 370 BC) - Greek: Ἱπποκράτης; Hippokrátēs was an ancient
Greek physician of the Age of Pericles, and was considered one of the most
outstanding figures in the history of medicine." an encyclopedic article. - From
wikipedia -
Medicine and Ancient Greece __ A very brief history of
ancient Greek medicine. - From -
Medicine in Ancient Greece __ From "Medicine in Homer" to temple cures and midwifery, you will find good articles here. - illustrated - From Indiana University -
Medicine in ancient Greece __ "The first known medical school opened in Cnido in 700 BC. Alcmaeon, author of the first anatomical work, worked at this school, and it was here that the practice of observing patients was established. Hippocrates established his own medical school at Cos." an encyclopedic article. - From wikipedia -
Medicine in Ancient Greece-- Overview __ A lesson plan. "This lesson provides a brief look at the origins of Greek medicine and a comparison with modern medicine. Also included is an edited text of the Hippocratic Oath." Goals, procedure and materials needed. - From -
Medicine - Hippocrates __ A good overview of Hippocrates and the foundation of Greek and modern medicine. - illustrated - From Crystalinks -
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